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Monday, December 13, 2010


The facebook event read: On May 30th 2009. We no longer allow destiny to dictate our fate. We no longer conform to the norms of society and the rules of our days. On May 30th we write our own history! Literally?

Graffiti = JAP INC. Isiah Lindsay's murals a permanent fixture in each Graffiti experience
Maybe it was the appeal of the reckless abandon for the weekend, or the idea of writing on other people's clothes, or maybe the majority of people at the time didn't care, they just wanted loud music and lots of people.
Afiya Gaspard was quite straightforward. She said: "It was bessssssss, quite gratifying." When asked  what stood out about the entire experience she said the airbrushing and the "pure euphoria of the people" are the things that stood out to her.

But what made Graffiti 1 just the beginning?
1. Graffiti the PARTY Ads

LEFT:(Amjad Ali) Renee, Laura and Jenelle strike a post. Depicting the fun of the experience, their stance is carefree
MIDDLE:(Amjad Ali) The sky is the limit, a portrait. Markers, Javon, Britney, Kevin and Ashley
RIGHT:(Cecil Roberts) The color and tone adjusted to impress upon onlookers the stain in time -- Graffiti. 
Photography by Amjad Ali[Express Newspapers], Cecil Evans[UWI photography club] and Negusi Tafari [was then, Shinsen Productions]. Quality photographers by any standard, their artistic work has surpassed May 30th, 2009 and will stand forever in time as innovative, fresh and fun photos. Cecil Evans later started a blogspot and has since became one of the most prolific student photographers. We caught up with Cecil who spared us a few moments in between studying for his finals at UWI. When asked about Graffiti 2009 he said, "I enjoyed the youthful vibe and getting to do an urban theme. I usually do more rigid, fashion oriented work so it was a nice change." If he were to repeat the project in 2011, he said he would introduce some creative lighting and apply what he learnt in 2009. "I learnt how to deal with groups better. I had one similar project after it and it[Graffiti 2009] allowed me something to fall back on" He explained. Connect with Cecil here, on facebook and blogspot.

2. Graffiti the People
TOP LEFT: Safiya Watson and Adrian Dillon. The Larger than life "Graffiti" to the back
BOTTOM LEFT: This was definitely a before picture. Before the markers
RIGHT and RIGHT INSET: Smiling Ladies. Some doing the writing, some being written on.
The people created the vibes. It was a unique blend of individuals, with One Alliance and  Mercury Entertainment participating in the promotion and execution of the event. Nesta Boxill, who knew nothing of the EEEmpire at the time, and ended up at the event "by mistake" after the buju concert couldn't recalled some details. "I remember watcin the [Graffiti] ads on facebook, I was like those girls looking nice boy and approachable, that made me kinda come the dance." He said. Nesta thought the sound system should have been better and the space a little bigger but all this mattered little because he danced all night. "I saw huge groups of guys keeping to themselves and then I saw women, and I real wine. I mean I real wine so I can't remember anything else"

3. Markers.. duh!!!

Its simple. Wear white. Collect your marker. Write on another persons white clothes. Carry home your graffiti-ed clothes as permanent Graffiti memorabilia.
The Pants of Jadea!
She posted it the day after and her friends wrote(among other things):
Added May 31, 2009 ·  · 

From a committee member's standpoint Felcia Holder said, she was tired and stressed during the entire process. However in a review she wrote: "A seed gotta start in the ground before it can blossom, I only givin yall 4 instead of 5 stars because I believe that there is soooo much more EEEmpire can and WILL do."

This is part of the 3 Article Series about Graffiti:
read our college graffiti experiences and look for the final article on GRAFFITI ™ - G L O W coming soon!

Our next installment will be held on May 29th 2011.
RSVP or just see what its about here: GRAFFITI ™ - Kaleidoscope  | the college GRAFFITI ™ experience III  


  1. OMG hahahhahahahaaaaaa Dts 2 Funnie Bt it was Super Cool d xperience, Thnk U EEEmpire!!! :D


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