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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jamborii Mas Lift Off!

A lot has been brewing for the people at Jamborii Mas!

Reports are that Jamborii will be the first Campus Carnival Band to officially Launch their 2012 Presentation. Rumor has it that they will be presenting their dedicated masqueraders with a little of the unexpected this year. This rumor is on the heal of stories of new changes to UWI's version of Campus Carnival.

A Jamborii Mas Love Affair between a Movie Star and a
Secret Agent
When asked, Jamborii Marketing Representatives are quick to explain that all will be revealed in due time. An official email from Jamborii Mas to Masqueraders indicated that all can be assured that Jamborii Mas is committed to the providing its Masqueraders with a perfect experience regardless of restrictions. Stefan Guevera said, "When the patron gives us his money, they do not give us some and UWI or the Guild half, patrons trust and depend on us to deliver a service. For 2012 we will deliver." Stefan remained tight lipped about "how" this delivery will happen, only stating that at the Band Launch, those present will get a taste of the future of Mas.

Facebook and BBM lit up over the Christmas Holiday weekend, with Jamborii Past and Prospective Masqueraders updating their statuses and changing their pictures expressing their excitement about the Band Launch. You too can get involved, add Jamborii Mas on bbm: 222BFB82.

If you have not as yet, get your ticket for Jamborii Mas Band Launch! See Below for Details:

Ticket Delivery Form
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2. Phone Number *
3. BB Pin
4. Email: *
5. Facebook URL *
6. Preferred Location for pick up *
7. Amount of Tickets Requested (Specify if Male or Female) *
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