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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jamborii Mas. Growing Pains.

This year gave birth to a spectacular Campus Carnival Band. Jamborii Mas, Always a Celebration. However, the moment of birth did not come without blood, sweat and tears.

Jarel Torres explained it nicely in a facebook wall post. He said: "Even though half the band was frustrated with the distributions of the costumes... It was worth the stress! The fudging [Parade of the] band made up for it! It so nice I HAVE to do it twice!"
Jamborii Mas, to date is the largest ever first time Campus Carnival Band. With final masquerader count over 1,500. Campus Carnival is not an event solely run and administered by the promoters of each band it is done in collaboration with UWI Guild. Behind the scenes, UWI guild and Band Leaders work closely to ensure the success of the entire event and the satisfaction of all patrons.

Campus Carnival and The University's Guild of Students
Without rehashing the back and forth arguments, politics and disagreements from the week of Campus Carnival concerns were raised about "underage" students participating in three of the largest Campus Carnival bands. As a result of this and other concerns raised by university administration, UWI Guild was forced to tighten all protocol in the distribution of Guild bands and Alcoholic chits to avoid serving drinks to minors.
For us and several other bands this resulted in a "overhead cap". Initially we received 1100 guild wrist bands leaving about 400 patrons and committee members without guild bands. Stefan Guevera and other committee members could have been seen around campus in deep conversation with members of the Guild in a valiant attempt to satisfy each Jamborii masquerader. In the end we received exactly 1280 Guild bands and a few car\committee passes.
Many patrons from several bands had to wait till the day of Campus Carnival itself to receive guild bands or wait to be personally escorted into Campus Carnival by a Mas Band representative. Band leaders were forced to calm disgruntled patrons en mas. Frances De Lancey, of Psych Ward explained "I never paid my crisis management course any attention until I had to deal with angry patrons who could not get into UWI for the event they paid for." For Jamborii, as a large band this issue quickly exasperated our delicate distribution process and forced all committee members into overtime.

Disgruntled. Frustrated.
Words shared by band leaders and masqueraders alike. Also not exclusive to Jamborii Mas, disgruntled patrons have popped up on the walls and fan pages of all major Campus Carnival Bands, forcing band leaders to issue statements addressing the concerns of patrons as shown below.
In addition to the issue with the bands, the Parade of the Bands started later than expected and finished earlier than expected. The after party was cancelled and then un-cancelled for 90mins all of which was totally out of the control of all Campus Carnival Bands. Ironically when upset patrons say they are disappointed about the after party, false advertising as bands advertised a 7pm - 2am after party or being told by security that they have on the "wrong hand band" they blame the bands and promoters as many do not know better.
Also Jamborii Mas had two drinks trucks, one with non alcholic beverages and tequila and the other with extra ice stock and all our premium drinks including cases of Nuvo, Johnnie Walker, Red Bull etc. These trucks were separated, also no fault of ours but as a result of poor road management by the university's team on the ground causing some drinks to go warm for a short period of time.

Internal Wranglings.
Why so serious?
This issues with the guild were not the end of the problems for us this year. Over 1000 of our patrons collected their full packages with ease. In the rush of procuring guild wrist bands at the last minute and moving from DCFA (Center for Creative Arts) abruptly sizes and colors became abstract almost leaving a few grossly dissatisfied patrons. The Jamborii Mas customer service team immediately over printed jerseys and set up a temporary distribution point at social club all in more valiant attempts to satisfy each patron.
In addition to this, although the Gerra pork was an excellent addition to the palate our Corn Soup and Cold Stone Ice Cream was notably absent. Cold Stone Creamery sampling was cancelled at the last minute due to a "miscommunication", even though Jamborii Mas offered to purchase the ice cream to uphold their commitment to masqueraders. Between this and two Corn Soup suppliers proving unreliable even the planned cool down after lime was plagued with 'growing pains'.

The Time of your Life
Jamborii Masqueraders
After ALL of that, one may ask why play Campus Carnival anyway? Or why play with Jamborii Mas? 
Well although this was our first year and we did have our hiccups the experience will last a lifetime. Jamborii Mas set the benchmark for all new Campus Carnival Bands. Never settle for mediocrity, Jamborii delivered to the people. Patrons received free bmobile lollies, horns, smirnoff cups, Jagermeister shot cups and bandanners. With these tools, two music trucks (as promised), two drinks trucks(also as promised) Jamborii Mas served patrons in fine style. The ONLY Campus Carnival Band to stock Jagermeister and serve Jagerbombs directly into masqueraders mouths' the procession quickly spun out of control. Even when the music stopped for the truck to turn the crowd sang along to the prompting of Stryker Regal. Music eloquently mixed by Runako Greaves, Pure Plyrz and Destruction Sounds patrons had to admit, in the words of Ren Renz,
"after all the hustle and stress I HAD FUN!!! IT WAS BESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! :D (allyuh made up for all the stress so *thumbs up*"
See comments and pictures and judge for yourself if you prefer not to take our word for it.
The procession makes its way out!

Jamborii Bartenders at your service

Queen of the pack!
See yall next year!
Always a Celebration

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