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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Triple E Games Changes Summer Forever

High sounding words yes, pompous maybe. But on Sunday 22nd the Triple E Family is set to produce the first of its kind, a truly out of foil type event.

 A sports day on the beach and Full 12 Hours of activities. As seemingly impossible feat, this event is tipped to raise the bar on committee events in Trinidad. The entire Sports Day is build around an elaborate point system. Before the beginning of proceedings each team will receive a list of activities and relevant points. Officials hosting each game will be positioned at different points on the Maracas Bay coast. Teams will walk to each activity and compete against each other and the clock, as the more activities completed the points a team can accumulate.

Risse Bhola will be hosting the Raindrops Relay

Limits will be placed on entering games repeatedly so that all have a fair chance at holding the trophy. Each game allows for participation of four or more people and involves some thinking, not only physical strength. Interestingly, many of the games have never been played before and have been specifically developed for this day of fun.

Adding to the excitement, as soon as night time hits, their will be no gloomy faces waiting on transport, or dodging bottles by uncle sam. All patrons will be wisked away to Nanan's beach resort and enjoy more activities in "Drinking Games" the after party hosted by The EEEmpire and Meogul Entertainment. The night stops only when you stop. The bar is un-busable according to staff.

Starr Struk Entertainment - Green
Eddie Entertainment - Baby Blue
Ravers Crew - Brown
Blaque Pheonixx - Black
Playboys - Navy Blue
Meogul Entertainment - Purple
TTSA Barbados - Orange

Check four feature activities to be played come Sunday:

# Raindrops Relay
What is needed: 
• Two buckets per team, one filled with water 
• A plastic baggie per team 
How to play:
Put a bunch of pin holes in the plastic baggie. The group lines up sitting down, one in front of the other ~ so they are facing the back of the person in front of them. The bucket filled with water goes behind the last person, the empty bucket goes in front of the first person. This bucket should be marked at the halfway point. The baggie is given to the first person. When the race starts, the first person takes the baggie to the back bucket, fills it with water and then trys to get the water to the front bucket, but she has to carry it over the heads of her team. She dumps what water is left in her baggie into the front bucket. The line shifts up and she sits in the back. She then passes the baggie to the front person, and that person repeats the process. The winner is whatever group fills their front bucket to the halfway point first.
# Balloon Squat Relay
What is needed:
• One water balloon per player, plus extra
How to play:
Two or more teams line up. They pick up a water balloon and run to the finish line. There they sit on the water balloon and pop it, then they run back to the starting line and the next person goes. If their water balloon pops before they reach the finish line they must go back and get another. First team done 

# Tug of War
What is needed:
• Long Rope
• Mid Point Marker
Teams pull with all their might till the half marker is pulled 1 meter toward either team

# 5 a Side Beach Football
What is needed:
• One Football
• Two Goal Posts
• At least one female on your team!


  1. Very very interesting......Great info given. feel I feel I wanna join!!!!!!!!!! Continue to write!!!!!!



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