For some Trinidadians, BFF means much more than Best Friends Forever, but to the host Schizophrenic Entertainment, it signified "Bring Friends and Family" together. For the past week, facebook has abound with footage of the BFF triumphs, tribulations, teamwork and some very interesting facial expressions.

Asking a few questions to EEEmpire committee members, the general consensus was that the experience ran significantly smoother than last year, with the Schizo team keeping everyone updated well in advance and working along patiently to liaise with the team.
Kicking off around 2pm in the afternoon, all teams participated in 18 fun events. From running to dancing, skipping and sliding, all committees maintained high hopes for the BFF trophy. With blazing sun on all participant's backs only their enthusiasm from the teams they represented keep these participants energized.
In a brief interview with Shaena Cariah, 'Secretary 2' of The EEEmpire, she explained that BFF for her was a wonderful experience although it was her first sports day of this kind. She described the day as "fun, fun, fun" explaining that she enjoyed it thoroughly and it was interesting to see how people of different committees interacted with each other in that type of environment.
When asked how she benefited as a person, she said: "Yes, this has made me more interactive in general and specifically with my peers from the committee. I was also able to meet and network with and other people from different committees like Liquid Dream and Schizo" Concerning the results she added "WE WAS TUH WIN! just because its schzio's people judging and thing thats why we lost. Nothing against them though. But outside this personal grievance, I now can visualize who represents The EEEmpire. That makes the difference for me."
Jason Phillip, photographer and Schizophrenic Entertainment committee member, was happy to tell The EEEmpire about BFF. He expressed his satisfaction with the proceedings of BFF 2010. Jason explained that the initial idea of BFF came from Dwight Sebero, his Schizophrenic Entertainment collage.
"Dwight discussed it with us, basically his belief was that everyone threw parties but many people did not know which committee affiliates with whom. So BFF was more or less a chance for all the different committees to come together and have fun. 'Bring your Friends and Family' "
When asked about the complaints of bias because they won their own sports day he stated that they will all meet to discuss all possible improvements for next year. However, within the next five years Jason said he wishes to see more teams joining in the fun.
"We want more people to come out and have a fun day. We plan to have events for kids soon, as well as face painting and a bouncy castle. All this in due time."
Stefan Guevera chanted feverishly throughout the games "more Chemistry than Alchemy". And beyond this chant the entire day was simply Chemistry for Triple E! See the MYRIADS of (over 600) pictures we have here.
Stefan Guevera - Human Resources, Armani Fernandes - Finance and Celestina Rodriguez
Tug of War. The EEEmpire vs Schizophrenic Entertainment
To the Far Left. Jelan is that you? Long Jeans inna sports day?
Media Splash!? - The Media Splash team(Dele Fraiser and Jermaine Hamilton) catch up with Stefan!
Black Pheonixxx falls out of the Sky!
Kevon and Salisha share a lighter moment!
Musical Chairs!

VICTORY! After the Musical Chairs
The Dream Team!
Jason Phillip, photographer and Schizophrenic Entertainment committee member, was happy to tell The EEEmpire about BFF. He expressed his satisfaction with the proceedings of BFF 2010. Jason explained that the initial idea of BFF came from Dwight Sebero, his Schizophrenic Entertainment collage.
"Dwight discussed it with us, basically his belief was that everyone threw parties but many people did not know which committee affiliates with whom. So BFF was more or less a chance for all the different committees to come together and have fun. 'Bring your Friends and Family' "
When asked about the complaints of bias because they won their own sports day he stated that they will all meet to discuss all possible improvements for next year. However, within the next five years Jason said he wishes to see more teams joining in the fun.
"We want more people to come out and have a fun day. We plan to have events for kids soon, as well as face painting and a bouncy castle. All this in due time."
Stefan Guevera chanted feverishly throughout the games "more Chemistry than Alchemy". And beyond this chant the entire day was simply Chemistry for Triple E! See the MYRIADS of (over 600) pictures we have here.
See 3E pictures from BFF Below:
Stefan Guevera - Human Resources, Armani Fernandes - Finance and Celestina Rodriguez
Tug of War. The EEEmpire vs Schizophrenic Entertainment
To the Far Left. Jelan is that you? Long Jeans inna sports day?
Media Splash!? - The Media Splash team(Dele Fraiser and Jermaine Hamilton) catch up with Stefan!
Black Pheonixxx falls out of the Sky!
Kevon and Salisha share a lighter moment!
Musical Chairs!

VICTORY! After the Musical Chairs
The Dream Team!
i agree with the expansion on to more active events rather than parties because it creates a wider general audience range/network and encourages non-party goers and common active everyday folks to take part in alternative functions hosted by these committees.
ReplyDeleteI think EEEmpire is doing a great job bringing family and friends together with activities that could lift up the youths and the family in the society. Keep up the good work your doing!!!!
ReplyDeleteniceness on this piece ken..much love goes out to all the parties that participated in the Bff Sports Day...Next year will surely be bigger and better ..
ReplyDeleteThanks LD!
ReplyDeleteBut I think credit goes out to Schizophrenic Entertainment before us, because they organized and hosted the sports for "Bringing family and friends together"
But of course all the teams participated and did their part! So thanks sannparri36!