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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Easter Spectrum. 2011.

The sun is too hot. The people need beach. Sentiments shared by the hundreds of people who congregated for the 5th installment of the never ending "Not Another EEEmpire Beach Lime" series. 

Rain, traffic and haters had a hard time stopping the proceedings. From 10am 76 eager beach goers assembled at several shuttle pick up points, coolers in tow adorned with shades, beach wear and an avaricious appetite for vibes. By 1pm patrons piled onto Tyrico, greeted by fresh and clean beach waters, Tassa drums and shocked beach campers. Many Indo-Trinidadians set up camp sites on Tyrico bay , complete with amenities such as Television sets, Hammocks and Popcorn Machines. These were quite interested in the large procession of smartly dressed and barely clad youngsters. 
Two ladies share a lighter moment with Mr. Box Head and his bottle of Bacardi!
At 2pm all activity was at a minimum as the Red Bull Pinzi was unavailable for use, so no Nintendo Wiii tournaments as the case in "9.1.1" the January beach lime. Re-stocking on drinks and vibes the crowd played ball, took brief dips in the water or just sat around and sent "PINGS!" to Ken's blackberry.
Day and Night. 
Left: A cross section of the crowd with the beach in the background
Right: Another cross section of the crowd with the life guard booth in the background
Some Drinks from our NAEBL Bar
By 4.30pm, not a moment too soon, riding in from the west, on a van tray, under coconut trees... was the eagerly awaited backup sound system. With no time to spare Redymix DMT captivated the audience with his unique blend of known hits, mixed perfectly to force the most boring bumce to gyration. At 5pm, with the party in full swing, patrons who drained their coolers re stocked their Red Bull, Smirnoff, Nuvo and Johnnie Walker at the bar on the sand. 

JB Photography gets into position
The photographers Josh Brizan, Charles Pei C K and Mr. Photogeo Capture stole moments from the sand and immortalized them in photos we can never forget. Stryker Regal, reminded all that this was Mas on the Beach and wooed the crowd into a dramatic frenzy. The beach lit by tiki lamps and moon light alone provided the perfect ambience for a incident free 3 hour after sunset jam session. Stopping just in time to remind everyone for the full dose of euphoria, they would need a ticket to [G3]

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

[G3] Tickets are OUT!

Yep, About a month now actually!

The GRAFFITI experience III
Wear White Jerseys to participate in the pristine revelry of [G3]. Markers and UV Paint will be provided to illuminate your nightlife. Each interaction will be tilted over the edge by premium liquor at your fingertips. Capture each moment in words, phrases and scribbles on clothes and preserve your 6 hour euphoria for a lifetime. Welcome to our GRAFFITI experience. 

Get your [G3] Early Bird tickets before they hit the outlets and prices go up!

Early Bird tickets cost $120.00

[G3] Team:
RiRi Smith - 756 4521
Dwayne Nicome - 715-0956
Sonja Bramble - 324-7519 
Teniel Nurse (Costaatt) - 721-1231 
Athaliah Samuel- 331-4887
Javon Francis - 394-8041
Aquilah Bachan - 344-4560
Rennette Mclean - 336-4975
Tima Baptiste - 775-4123 
Ajala Jalz Joseph - 389-9837
Chaitanya Worrell - 477-5141 
Denicia Latchman - 701-3741 

Triple E Fam:
Stefan Guevera 687-2330 
Armani Fernandes - 798-8018, 684-7463 
Jonathan Morgan - 758-2297 |766-4421 | (246) 232 7481 
Ken Sambury - 620-8970 | 710-4212 
Giselle Mcpherson - 767-3434 
Shelana Richardson - 476-5434, 787-2855 
Georgia Arthur - 732-2986 
Celestina Rodriguez - 461-7377
Risse Bhola - 769-2228
Tishanna Sankar - 719-0177 
Afiya Hopson - 477-0659
Josanne Maxwell - 713-7813 
Akeem GioVanni Prout - 716-3648
Shady Joseph - 776-4727
Kevon Adams - 687-4958

Big Boys Entertainment:
Damion Gordon - 396-0966
Gerard Brewster - 733-1475
Brian Chance - 389-6563
Jacinta De Four - 678-5373
Rayanna Agarrat - 712-5595
Sophia Clarke - 367-9321
Avionne Greenidge - 764-4479
Sinead Lezama - 319 - 7591
Afiya Gaspard - 496-8184
Krystal Tudor - 684-7290
Jamal Burgess - 770-6505

This is it! This is [G3].
The only party you can take home with you! 
LIVE Life in LIVING Color.
I see GRAFFITI in your future!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

[G3] - The Amazing build up to MAY 29th

They say you all are different. Why? How so?

Well we have refused to do the usual and the mundane and will be bringing you our GRAFFITI to your front door in a way you can not ignore. Our first stop is at COSTAATT City Campus for our Art and Photography Showcase. Tickets will be sold for our GRAFFITI ™ - Kaleidoscope at our art show.
Markers, White Jerseys -- A Throwback picture from our 2009 G1 Production
This is your opportunity to get an intimate feel and understanding of Graffiti culture, art and gain an appreciation for some contemporary photography.

The main attractions include the:
  • Graffiti Art on display
  • Artistic Photographs on display
  • Talented Isiah ‘JAP’ Lindsay who will be on hand to airbrush or draw anything on ones’ white jersey,
  • Bring something white and leave with it colored! 
  • Student Photography of the event
Below are the dates, times and locations for the Graffiti Art Show: 

19th April - Grand Opening of the Graffiti Art Show & Photography Exhibition, At COSTAATT City Campus 3pm - 7pm
21st April - Caravan rolls into UWI
-- Break for exams (yeah, we study too)--
11th May - UTT John D 1pm -4pm
14th May - West Mall 4pm - 7pm
21st May - Trincity Mall 4pm - 7pm
23rd May - Grand Closing of the Graffiti Art Show & Photography Exhibition, , At COSTAATT City Campus 3pm - 7pm
29th May - GRAFFITI the Event with 20 meters of Ply Board, Canvas etc etc. 8pm till

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