Public Relations Officer Manifesto:
- Develop a small public relations committee with specified roles allocated on ground of suitability.
- Graphics Designer , Web Page Designer , Publication Creator etc.
- Regularly update and maintain the Law Society Website, Facebook Pages/Groups and Online Forums
- Provide a voice and presence for each activity of the executive and the society allowing for greater awareness and participation
- Produce of a Monthly Newsletter with a variety of relevant and entertaining information
- Facilitating broadcast of information in a hard copy document
- Including humorous and leisure articles and features
- Allowing the student another objective medium to voice concerns
- Effectively disseminate information to the faculty via email lists, hardcopy notices and word-of-mouth
- Maintain and Update databases of society members that are categorised into:
- Membership types, Year Groups, Majors, Law Students belonging to Jamaica and Trinidad
- Maintain the Law Society and Faculty Notice Boards to avoid clutter, confusion and misrepresentation (relocating them where needed)
- Keeping the faculty aware of notices that are posted without taking for granted that they have seen it because it’s there.
- Develop a new look for the website and promote the increased traffic to the online resources.
- Through the developing of online forums, video podcasts, News Features, and a law work compilation database
- Using student polls to determine website changes to aid student involvement
- Maintain a direct connection with the campuses in Jamaica and Trinidad
- With the advent of 3 year law faculties in those respective islands (Jamaica this year and Trinidad subsequently), the cultural plurality that we have experienced at Cavehill is at risk of approaching extinction. It is therefore essential to initiate plans towards the continuous interaction across the three islands. I shall endeavour to:
- Organise Inter-island Law Competitions (eg- Law Memorandum Competition)
- Open a Video Submission options to each faculty (Possibly on the Cultural Integration theme - To share the differences experiences at the respective campuses)
- Inquire into the possibility of exchange student programs across the islands (The best Moot speakers in Trinidad gain an opportunity to spend a semester in Barbados while training to participate in the International Mooting Preliminaries – for example...)
- Dissolve the image of “Lawyers on the hill” amidst the other faculties by:
- Exploring the possibility of joint ventures between faculties – Interfaculty Competitions (Trivia Contest between Law & Med / Leisure Activities with Pure and Applied)
- Maintaining a regular discourse and dissemination of information to the external faculties about the activities of the Law Society
- Creating a web forum and blog for law students to contribute legal information and techniques to upcoming law and cross faculty students
- Promoting the idea of including more activities during law week and otherwise that are open to the entire campus (It is expected that those activities should include some cover charge)
- Partnering with other faculties to meet and greet with incoming students.
- Facilitate the greater participation of the society members that remain docile through lack of interest
- By working in conjunction with the entertainment committee, I will suggest and promote the hosting of unorthodox events to appeal to those who have not found their niche within the range of the Society’s events (eg: promoting physical activities outside of law week, music producing competition, inviting local artists to open a show for the faculty etc)
- Maintain a personable and approachable persona while operating within the capacity of Public Relations Officer and upholding the image of the Law Society first and foremost in the presentation of myself.
Leadership Credentials:
Participation in Cavehill between September 2009 and March 2010:
Member of- Debating Society 2009 – 2010
- Law Society Football Team - 2009
- Trinidad and Tobago Student Association Football Team - 2010
- Law Society Executive
- (First Year Representative 2009 – 2010)
- UWI Cavehill Worlds Debating Team
- Cavite Chorale 2009
Participation in
- TTSA Inter-Island Debates
- Inter-Territory CARICOM Games
- Debating Society Inter-Faculty Public Speaking Competition (2nd Place)
- Clark, Gittens and Farmer Mooting Competition ( 2nd Place & Best Memorial)
- Vehbi Koc Worlds University Debating Championship (Antalya, Turkey)
- President of the Youth of the United Nations Group of Trinidad and Tobago
- Co-Founded and headed the Empire Entertainment Everything Promotional Company
- Represented the delegation of Tunisia in the Model United Nations Assembly
- Worlds University Debating Championship Public Speaking Finalist
- Events Committee Chair of the Youth of the United Nations Group of Trinidad and Tobago
- Director of Club Services of the Roteract Club of Piarco
- Youth Representative selected to discuss youth affairs with the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
- Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs Team Organiser for Youth Month 2009
- Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs Debater and Candidate for youth parliament of the St. Anne East constituency
- Youth Representative selected to write and present the proposal (On Environmental Sustainability) to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organisation of American States to close the Fifth Summit of the Americas Youth Forum